Old Nanu Infinity Chair


So what does the Daily Sign have to say for itself today ? anything worth going out of the way to listen to, lend an ear, tune in, grasp the reality of the situation. i guess so. let’s see what’s on tap. i think i hear you knocking. hello, who’s there ? the old nanu infinity chair. have a seat. sit down put your feet up. set the dials to infinity and follow me into the wonder world of pepper land. where all is swell. war is over. tooth decay and bad eyesight are pretty much taken care of. nobody is really hungry, everybody is smart more or less. air is clean, water is too. factories are underground, the surface is a park with personal flying saucers. plenty of kites and volley ball, lawn bowling, that kind of thing. pretty groovy so far. what about the grim reaper you may ask. well you can ask but it’s not going any place. best not to dwell on its whereabouts. think positively • get vaccinated.

atomthought • artist@Large


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