dear seeker, you have reached the odd fellow temple and alien bone lab. boy, are you in for a surprise. hang on to your bananas. odd fellows is an actual place in san francisco. i took the picture. not sure what all goes on in there, but they have a big sign announcing their presence. I wondered if the odd fellows had any top secret stuff they weren’t letting any body know about. I decided to take a look.

I said you would be surprised, and it is guaranteed you will be, should you decide to push the button provided below. enter at your own risk, do not be compelled to proceed, don’t let curiosity take 8 of your cats 9 lives. that leaves one. you can leave now. it would be better if you didn’t know any odd fellow secrets. and there are odd fellow secrets. I discovered them myself. they weren’t hard to find. they were kind of scattered around the basement.

brace yourself. the discovery will change your life. push the button now.