Vegas Borealis
looking forward to the future feeding back • this is Vegas Borealis • I’ve got my a.eye on the Sphere • I don’t know if I’ll crack it like ocean’s eleven but I’m going to try • atomthought • back by popular demand • although I’m a complete unknown • that’s my charm • along with crack planetarium chops.
meet the avatar • it was a long time in the making • as it constantly reminds me • I’m here to school • I’m here to improve you • I’m here to fool you
pecha kucha volume 60 • a 20x20 performance of images and words in 400 seconds •
atomthought specializes in this sort of thought form projection • keep it fast and tight.
dRell • is that the Cathode Ray Trio developing some sort of peripheral vision • or is it more noise about the power over heating in the room ?
dear photons my name is atomthought.
A as in atomic • thought as in think • as big as possible • faboo faceplate • andro jejune • avatar from pepper land • future feedback network founder • of lost causes for greater well being.
this is a perturbation • do not delete
atomthought proceeds exponentially • nyNe is not far behind
join atomthought • drell machina and the entire future feedback network TV empire as they offer a fresh stream of conscientiousness bag of stories intended to devour your interest in the here and now and create a spine tingling sense of greater well being. got that.
Well God, I feel blessed to meet you. it’s been a longtime, 6000 years more or less.
Who’s counting. you can call me G.
As you can imagine G, this is quite a surprise. there’s a world out there that really looks up to you.
You’re right, that does seem to be a problem. i’ll bet their necks hurt. that’s why i decided to come out of the closet, visit in person. here i am. you are standing next to God. all he, she and it of me or holy shit for short, my divinity rep says to take a few questions on the flyby and say hi to voyager.
Again thank you G for being here. so with that, let’s fire away with some questions.
yes, you in the bathrobe. give us your name please.
Feck Rumba from tabasco falls ireland.
how come you only have one name • God ?
Well Feck • considering i’m the one and only, no others before me, i thought one was enough.
Yes, madam. you in the yellow canary island suit, give us your name please.
My name is Twa tay. i had tickets to the big boat flood event a few thousand years ago and i got left on a volcanic island down in the south pacific. i’d like to ask what you’re going to do about it.
Hmmmm, schedule an eruption. which island ?
Ok yes, i see the creature from the black lagoon out there. what’s on your mind creach ?
Look God, why me, it’s not easy finding a girlfriend looking the way I do. plus i’m wet all the time. what do you suggest ?
i don’t know creach, i thought you were an evolutionary dead end. next.
Frankenstein, good to see you. any questions for God ?
Don’t get me started with this boozer. i’m a wreck. you call this man 2.0. really, bolts in the neck for juice. i’m coming after you God, right after the commercial break.
This is quite the exciting round of questions G, ready for more ?
Sling ‘em and fling ‘em jelly bean face.
Let’s see,, how about you young lady, what’s on your mind. give us your name please.
My name is Gretel and this is my brother Hansel. we are concerned about rising temperatures and sea levels as the earth warms and melts the ice caps.
Here’s the short answer Gretel. there’s a reason the super yacht business is booming. billionaires aren’t stupid. may i suggest walking on stilts. i’ve got 50 trillion, 847 billion, 999 million, 605 thousand , 810 planets out there. you aren’t at the top of my list. i’m not your thermometer.
Why are you here then G ?
To learn from my mistakes.
Ok, moving on. tell us God, how is your family life going ?
To be honest, my kid is out of control. that’s actually one of the reasons i’m here.
Oh, do tell.
I don’t want to be to specific. let’s just say there’s a lot of money involved. hanky panky. that kind of thing.
You mean liberty u, boot camp for saviors and the scotus rot ?
exactly, what the hell has been going on down here anyway ?
I don’t know G, that’s why we snagged the interview. the future feedback viewing audience thought you knew.
Why don’t we take another question, how about the man on the horse.
Thanks y’all. name is bobby lee and my horse travelergate. tell me G, are we all really created equal ?
Well, I tried. i gave you two of everything.
So G, how do you think things have worked out since the last visit ?
I miss the dinosaurs.
Oh, so do we. got anymore we can have, maybe you could program them to eat cars.
By the way atom, got anything to drink ?
drell, would you mind looking into that for our guest.
Sure thing atom.
Whisky and coke if you have it.
You bring up a good point God, in that you are indifferent to the travails of the tiny little beasts that crawl, swim, run, jump, fly and poop on the grass, catch fly balls, touchdowns, 3 pointers, love 30, hole in one, sex in the city, won’t you be my be my little baby.
Look, i don’t have time to get involved personally. i do say, you are passionate for an avatar atomthought. i like your flavor, you looking for work ?
Here’s your drink, God
Cheers, got anything to snack on. pizza, fries. carry out from the enceladus fizz bar. talk to Lingo.
With that, why don’t we take a break, let God eat.
we’ll be back with Samson and Delilah and more questions for God after this. stay tuned.
atomthought • artist@Large
as ying ting says to yang, so becomes the radiant, inter galactic goddess of geometry, plasma guru of infinite guidance principles, the one who actually runs everything, distant data diva, drell machina.
drell. do you have a button to push or something ?
drell machina helps keep atomthought out of trouble. looking things up for posterity and other helpful hints.
åtomthought are you trying to imitate curly wavy
galactic gadfly • secret agent for karl von nail
tung of destiny
who me
I’m busy thinking to myself and others
the Scoop
This is how åtomthought and drell machina came to be involved with the Grap Nix and how the ƒuture ƒeedback Network UVTV empire scored the biggest scoop in all of all TimeSpace. åtomthought is host of the ƒuture ƒeedback Network, a humble website that occupies an unheard of back channel in the omni cosmo verse of online things to checkout. åtomthought is half avatar half human. a situation we’ll get into later. drell machina is an machine, as the name implies, that knows everything and is usually right. drell is there when åtomthought gets into trouble thinking to hard, which is often now that the GraP Nix have arrived sooner than expected.
For reasons known only to Curly Wavy secret agent and Karl Von Nail, the Tung of Destiny, åtomthought and ƒƒN was contacted directly by the GraP Nix crew to announce the feast of Arrival. the GraP Nix are paused in earth orbit for repairs to the existential canoe. Karl Von Nail has directed the GraP Nix to explore the surface of earth below and get friendly with the locals. And what better way to meet and greet than through television. the GraP Nix have fashioned their appearance to look friendly and stylish to the folks here on Loon as they call the new world.
So the GraP Nix think the future feedback Network is a television empire and åtomthought is the leader of Loon. all the GraP Nix want to be friends with åtomthought so they can be on television and get to know the Loons.
åtomthought and drell are trying to manage the arrival of the Grap Nix extraterrestrial super being complex that is morphing themselves into our televisions and have a habit of instantly projecting themselves onto our tallest buildings, anytime of day or night anyplace in the world to say hello. they’re tricksters alright. åtomthought is trying to keep a handle on the whole thing as Karl Von Nail makes a mess of the programming and drell is in negotiations with Curly Wavy. stay tuned.
atomthought perturbation frequency dweller
atomthought what happened to you
some sort of exponential encounter with the existential canoe got you bent out of shape.
atomthought returns from the event horizon cafe with a new dervish hairdo for 2025 and beyond
Here we are photons, let’s scrub up and get out there and light some shit up. come on, drell let’s get up to speed.
very funny atomthought. why don’t you jump in a black hole and don’t come back.
wait until the a.eye gets a hold of you atomthought
drell out • for now