Philadelphia Freemason temple
I’ve been interested in Freemasonry for sometime, not quite to the point of becoming one but fascinated nonetheless. attracted to the symbolism, the ritual degrees, the cloaking of secrecy. also the fact that George Washington, Ben Franklin, John Hancock and Paul Revere, among many others of note, were freemasons. there is a reason the Constitution separates church and state. freemasonry was part of the influence that required such a separation. the united states was in effect founded on the basic principals of freemasonry. today masonic lodges are a place for social gatherings, business networking and charity functions. the Philadelphia Freemason Temple is open to the public and offers tours. i took advantage of the opportunity, this is what it looked like inside.
Benjamin Franklin and George Washington were members in good standing

Salt Lake City Freemason Temple

Salt Lake City Freemason Temple

Salt Lake City Freemason Temple

Salt Lake City Freemason Temple

Salt Lake City Freemason Temple