humble beginning • homemade performance art

original future feedback network set • february 1977 • cedarberg art center • made of plywood • two by eights • white gesso • found blueprints • acetate • manikin hands holding mirrors • laser • television set • stripped bare • painted and masked with the cathode raimo trio • turned on to the future feedback network interference channel.

atomthought begins to light the future feedback network machine • concentrating on the emergence of the cathode raimo trio • onlookers do not know what to make of the unusual proceedings • atomthought does not see them • but feels a presence • becoming atomthought.

cathode ray trio networked on laser beams with led set at full power • atomthought gazes from the exhibition case channeling houdini • the transition was a success • the laser beams fired and reflected in the mirror array • aligned by telescope maker richard berry • dry ice blanketed the tv platform • the cathode raimo trio emerged and delighted the small gathering of observers. future feedback network was born.

atomthought communicates with onlookers • richard berry • astronomy magazine editor and future feedback technical assistant • peers into atomthought for clues to the transubstantiation of the host.

atomthought proceeds

sometime in late 1976 I read an article about Laurie Anderson in art forum. she was performing in a gallery with her violin. I was immediately changed and influenced by her at the time and still am to this day. in retrospect, future feedback was an homage to her for being ahead of her time. ƒƒN was a blurring of the traditional gallery exhibition lines. a conceptual multimedia assemblage of light emitting components creating a moment of technical visual alchemy. the performance lasted 20 minutes. these photos are all that remain of the performance and the mask • paterNostro

atomthought • artist@large