voidish bunny meets splend variance

deposits for prying eyes are due at the time of viewing

first • tuned up conte crayon drawings on the back of 1983 archival cannibal galaxy prints • ngc 4567 and 4568 in the virgo super cluster of galaxies. cannibal galaxies was a print based on a painting of the pair that was printed poorly. the original run was 3000. a lot of paper. i have been trucking it around since 1983. there is a companion print named the terrestrials • which is bright and smart and lovely. both i think are collectors items. a small ad appeared in astronomy magazine offering them for sale, a few sold. it was the first use of the future feedback network logo and attempted commercial entity. finally, 40 years on, i have taken to drawing in fast circles on the back of the cannibals with a black conte crayon, and succeeded in resurrecting the dormant sheets of paper. photoshop did the rest.

voidish candy planet seems the appropriate place to begin • one speculates that it is a malted milk ball in design yet a clear deviation of the principles of chocolate liquidity. as compared to the spotted tangerine that puffs smoke orbiting jupiter, we all know what moon that is. i won’t call it an ionian pentameter sulfur pit if you won’t.

voidish bunny is a party equation

adds subtracts multiplies and divides with suave diffidence and a taste for candied impact craters • indulge the quarkiness..

ambiguous crab nebula salad

it didn’t start out that way • it was just a three hour cruise.


drell spell finder

all languages • difficult words only

rumba bo peep hole

fresh Ganesha in paradise

an octopus’s garden if i’ve ever seen one

delk ono tree

the deeper you go • the higher you fly

it will never end • yes finally it will. my hand hurt from pressing down so hard with the conte crayon. my thumb went numb. I made a fake thumb and index finger with masking tape. the drawings are 2’x3’ and lay in a stack on my drawing table • i have also applied digital forensics to investigate to innards of the cannibal galaxy paper itself. specifically, did the scan pick up the ink saturated into the paper. looks like it to me.

splend variance arrives • attended by negative space for two

Splend variance snapped , crackled and popped as it entered earth space. making itself visible. bending the air into optical form. splend hovers and hums, attracting the attention of people in the area, filling them with a feeling of rapturous awe. lightheaded, overcome with ecstasy • as the variance adapts to life on earth. a new form of miracle. Splend is eight miles high.

below in the scroll lies the remains of chrome portrait torquetum • a collection of portraits and astral projected places i’ve seen somewhere in the twilight dreamscape.

one small step for mark

one giant leap for atomthought

atomthought @ rest in a room without view

a thought dawns on atomthought to be forgotten

atomthought is near earth at this time • back by popular demand • earthlings should remain calm and accepting • those anxious to snag an autograph please step to the head of the line.

my favorite martian is with atomthought at this time • who knows what could happen • curly wavy is a sailor of the solar system • when on mars • do as the martians do.

bonus • tracks of my mars tears

added attraction • perseverA leaves tire tracks on the floor martian dust palace

beware • he’s a gambler like maverick

what have we here • my crow flies in circles around my head • thanks for bringing pio chrome torquetum home • black x.

psychedelic du cha cha

drawings from the book of psychedelic du cha cha drawn on the trail with artist twin patti heid. the magnificent, in san miguel de allende on an outlaw vision quest. her bewitching beauty chasing bad spirits from the castle keep. I watched from the sky. market forces can’t keep a good girl down.

the du cha cha line of thinking is difficult to follow • most do not try • it is easy to get lost • turned upside down • if hallucinations arrive to quickly • cactus ghosts begin moonbeam ceremonies to snatch the soul • when it is looking into the sun • from the top of a mescal star step • leading lost consciousness through all of the mysteries to be solved • yet are not • you still remain vexed • short sighted • without a heart that has been removed by mayan viper priests telling stories about the galaxy gods they have met in the underworld • the du cha cha line of thinking is difficult to follow.

mao box hammer

forbidden city watching bells • force marched the imagination into solitude and silence • silence speaks nothing • darkness is only darkness • a mao hammer box is where all the souls are collected that have been denied freedom of thought and liberty due to the dead ideology of a false god.

atomthought begins thinking again at # 47 on the solar system dial

ying ting pie hat is three point one four exactly • followed by an infinity of gravitational points of order • here’s how the pie hat looks in action

tulips of ulysses • read all about them in the daily sign • joyce is giving atomthought a hard time • which isn’t going well • james has been drinking and is being mean • as usual • the del boots are trying to get him in bed.

pio is visiting an infrared supernova remnant for no particular reason other than to put it through some filters and see what shows up • pio is in discussion with the dense hot white dwarf remnant at the core of the supernova • could we give them some privacy please.

Pio torquetum • little red hot dot of artist identity that says see me everywhere from now on.