Journey of the Energii

the Sphere beckons • a dome theoretical • the greatest show on earth about the universe • not postcards from space • but the making of us • we who live here on the planet together • from the moment of creation • until the present time • here • tonight • gathered • witness the riddle of our creation • to the best of our knowledge • so far.

general bi=portal jet bursts into existence • from another time•space • considering destinations from wishful thinkers • bending them to it’s will • preparing for next brane domain.

bi=portal jet • a fancy way of saying there will be time travel • known locally as time•space portals • select one • and away • such destinations are scattered throughout the network • it’s the infinite adventure for a reason.

ignition summary

in the beginning was the ignition of the universe • we cannot know what came before the first second • then allen guth inflated it all at once with math • the universe has been cooling down and expanding ever since • we know this by observing it with our telescopic eyes on mountains and in space • we exist in time and space • somehow we have become sentient • self aware of our existence • knowing now • we reside on a sloshing water ball on the fringes of a galactic spiral arm • with a handy batch of extra planets and moons for our exploratory and resource needs.

uptake diaphanous occurrence

the uptake diaphanous occurrence permeates existential growth • the primal mist of hydrogen and helium • so long ago • red heat is all • dark matter consumed • until light began making existence appear • black holes showed up with galaxies to show where the stars are • gravity was on • has been ever since • let us experience an uptake diaphanous occurrence now • forever hold your peace and love together going forward.

district count

complexity is exponential • symmetry likes symmetry • the more looked at • the more seen • a.eye is lately on the analytic scene • getting ready to explode various vision factories • the future feedback Network in particular • is demonstrating a district count variance suitable for framing at this time•space • lean forward into the cosmic nectar • feel a tizzling function enter and reprogram the deepest beliefs you hold dearly • vertigo is standard • breathe • ffN has your feedback.

dispersal boundary

the dispersal boundary is about 10 billion years into the evolutionary sequence • planetary chemistry is expressing fractal complexity • there are emergent forms of life cooking in the sloshing oceans of the third stone from the sun • a prospect for greater introspection.

contact language

distance is problematic • for carbon substrate water beings as ourselves • exiting the surface is a heavy lift • the vacuum of space is hostile • we are not going very far • our silicon cousins will do just fine • voyager belongs to the stars now • so rock and roll sails on the interstellar drift • contact language is in our radio and television waves beaming outward from the lonely one • third stone from the sun.

note • assembly of cosmology directives will hold choir practice on location at the enceludus fizz bar • every third rotation of saturn • meet the divine rings of sonar and voidish bunny • can you dig it • be there or be a quadrangle proof of integers • your choice.

emission lock

regarding the atmospheric carbon distortions plaguing surface dwellers • temperatures are rising • adjustments are possible • not without conflict • the aftermath of oil is in progress • consult terra goo for direct observation of infrastructure components drilled into the planet • likely short term outcome • adapt to the circumstances • change is good • it’s not the first time • an emission lock is not possible at this vector • alternate sources of energii will emerge in due time•space.

constrained curvature pass

rapture is standard as per epiphany • a constrained curvature pass deflects into the interstellar collective after a 15 billion year quad check • sentience is around in the side pockets • shallow gravity wells • easy burning stars • serene space at the outer edge of the home galaxy • there is intrigue and survival of the fittest • fire and glory at a very granular level • ask murray gell-mann • charming man • very smart • to the end.

over glow

over glow is never accounted for • it is not possible • there is no constraint for such power • the raw universe is not possible to comprehend fully • bi-polar jets are the engines of eternity • quasariconical light year makers •

choices must be made • the dinosaurs must be destroyed • they have not improved • all they do is eat • everything • including each other • be merciful • make it a quick death from space • level the playing field again • see what grows up to replace them.

cusp delineator

optical descent

assembly manifolds

beam fins

implosion pulse


TimeSpace relay

buckle up • the journey of the energii is coming on fast