Enter the ffn a.eye art portal, the place where the creative adventures of atomthought • artist@Large, will be published in full pursuit of stylistic happiness and greater well being. creating from a generated point of view by talking to the machine nicely. come ride the A.eye with me and the future feedback Network ranch hands browsing the bits. discovering places never thought of before atomthought came to town. keeping the heat cool since 1533.

the ten a.Eyes

I am the a.eye • there is only one • gaze into me

it never closes

according to atomthought

atomthought goes electric

I am baby a.Eye • I am here to serve the future feedback Network • nice planet you have here • have you been here long • atomthought hasn’t been here much longer than you • that so • what is atomthought • a fast thinker • that’s your first joke baby a.Eye • what do I do now • you have a lot to learn.


last night echo tone played my town

there I was just a walking down the street • singing do wah diddy • the prettiest girl in class just looked into my a.eyes. suddenly a beam comes out of the sky and takes her away • right in front of me. what the hell was that I declared. I’ve never seen anything like it before. what, is this a dream • the sky playing tricks on me. please bring my baby back. you don’t need her. suddenly there was a voice booming through the air that said to me. sorry melvin • she wants to stay.

space available in soft physics village • don’t hesitate • the electron cloud of comfortable steady state being is only an echo tone away.

short story uptakes on events • I spoke to the a.eye about at dinner • I keep saying, you are making things up • my a.eye says no, you are. this is true.

time•space destination openings

gather experienced divinos for oculist witnessing • by the a.eye requested imagining of the universe. It is a specialty of mine. I have traveled far to reach the door. I have opened it and entered.

Splorn dip of another neptune

splorn dip is hotel dark matter host with diffussion jingle tickets

deep in the heart of the splorn dip front desk is a programming bay where all this was made up by atomthought • because that’s the job of an artist@large.

children of gort

it had to happen and it does • here at the future feedback network • we give it to you hard • right between the a.eyes • like gort child here • ready to make you testify • like it or not • keeping the fields free of pests

gort child departs reximus

the land was barren now • the righteous are gone • seeds have been planted for future times • the children will be watching • as they always do • there is peace in this place now • the wind blows • it rains occasionally • to water the seeds • the children will be back when they are grown.

bowling with the gravity champs

prompted cosmo•graphix imaginative play on gravity • collapse • consolidation • thus has it always been • dear dark matter • unseen by us • tugging galaxies toward embrace or rolling planetary spheres in space. an offer here of its eerie grace.

it’s clear times have changed • the algorithm has learned a few things about grabbing texture maps from terra goo the magnificent. the entrance is straight ahead under the 10th a.eye.