don’t spy on me • ok

began as a riff on the culpepper minute man flag


don’t tread on methe more i learned and got involved, the more it bothered me, cameras everywhere.

this is my allergic reaction to the sight of our watcher companions. that proliferating armada surveilling us always, from now on.

street corners, rooftops, driving, eating, laughing, kissing, crying, bar hopping, shopping, in the park, singing in the rain. you get the picture.

let’s not forget outer space. remember, there’s a fleet of telescopes parked up there, only hubble is pointed at the stars. homes, phones, face looks, all bots on duty now.

it just feels a little creepy, intimidating, caught in the giant gaze. everywhere you go, checking you out.

one often hears this. well, if you’re not doing anything wrong, what’s there to worry about. plenty, if you ask me.

i claim a basic right to be left alone.  color me anonymous. cut, take five, can i opt out of the camera tracking feature. 

let me ask,  if absolute power corrupts absolutely, what does absolute surveillance do. know of any other absolute isms, besides the vodka.

one day, sooner than you think, camera look outs, will become the new talkies, like they are in china now, where there are millions of cameras. one for everybody. imagine being scolded right there on the street.

what’s your name. by the way, no eating, drinking or standing there. freeze hands up friend. are you ready for that. i’m not.

this is much about law and order and roving robot eyes.  it’s not about citizens and rights, it’s not about liberty, it’s medium cool and what is happiness.

we are losing something here, even though you might not know exactly what it is. but once it’s gone, we’ll never get it back.

here’s a hint. 

deep down, what does it really mean, this watchful eye. to you, our kids, all the kids to come. what have we gotten ourselves into.

here’s what we’re up against. good morning nsa, china golden shield. sweet home chicago virtual shield. that’s only what you know about, sort of.

camera spotting is a little like bird watching. take a look around the nation, how many eyes are upon thee. every city has thousands and thousands of cameras. jeepers creepers, where’d ya get all those peepers.

perhaps, it’s because i don’t know what’s on the other side, who’s behind those foster grants, that ogling lens.who gave permission to collect my private self brand, infringe the copyright of me.

here’s the answer. you don’t have any privacy and shouldn’t expect any. sucker. really, who decided that.

what to do, read the aclu chicago video surveillance report. and draw your own conclusions.

don’t spy on me • OK  

Don’t Spy On Me is a performance created and presented based on the observation of the universal proliferation of surveillance cameras, public and private. we have become, in effect, a surveillance nation. the performance was intended as a warning. as with many prescient warnings, it was met with polite indifference to droll acceptance. a sad and alarming state of affairs. as an artist i have presented my point of view. i can only conclude, smile, you’re on candid camera!