Symmetry Machine Protocols
mothers little helper
texas daisy
hyper sentient code host with modern ranch machine gonzillarc back plates for drilling • shilling and hard party politics • battle tested on alamo people 3.0.
billy the heat
same as ZZtop
Baby Ominous
baby never seemed to be in a good mood. today was different. a coronal mass ejection was on the way.
trans mator
is an equationary being living on the street in san francisco
bow sequitur
bow tries hard not to repeat itself. from the beaches of normandy to the sulfur sands of Io, bow is a vigilant yet compassionate data miner.
gathering riddle
to soon to know what this is about. it bears observation. it’s all the crows are talking about.
as drome goes. so goes population management
tree hive
the gathering riddle knows something about this.
talk to jax and raimo
crow mother
knows all
coil watcher
is always available • on call • everywhere at once
tryne port
nYne checked in quickly • making way through the soft lines to the incubator cove. the grin was watching from the lucky strike.
aqua tong
all quiet along the dock of the bay. Otis is humming to the quanta bud peddlers making the rounds in the data fog at dusk. watchtower bugs sweep up decay tubes popping the electron buffalo up for a free charge
vort is a sympathic implant dedicated to machine on machine romance • it was expected at some point • when vort showed up • with emotions and depression • sympathetic loss of calculative power upsweeps • vort now counsels broken machine parts that need fixing • call nyne.
quadro speaks
three of diamonds
is a place to plug in • assist portal navigators with body dynamics
sun tong
big mama iron cult
gas boss
crustacea curve
all photographs by paternostro