Last Oasis


It was hot, no doubt about that. the transmitters were down. i was stuck on the ground. Orthon was inside fucking around with something. diamond box was in there too, with some kind of dimension cutter. i was getting out of there fast. across the river to get lost. change avatars, hire a camel and plod out of town into the open desert. set up the torus lifters and overdrive the time tubes back into the capstone, then transit to the convertors for the ride down into the oasis nerve cave for visitors to earth who have always been here but not here at the same time. others from elsewhere who come and go, wait and watch the garden grow.  in the meantime, i’m being chased by quasars. they are getting to close for comfort. Orthon set the dials please. i’m going in. ok, let’s get started. does the grin know i’m here, not exactly. there’s field resonance but it’s not plotted yet. vacuum it up. is the blue pool available. it’s hot out there. i heard lingo and dada are fooling around over at stonehenge, tuning it up for a beamer. good lord, all the big star system reps will show up. the humans aren’t ready for that, all those nukes around. Dada just turns them off. he’s more worried about the quantus light benders getting to close and knocking the planet off it’s axis, the locals would never recover. you know the rules, this is the last oasis before the deep freeze across the void of return.

atomthought • artist@Large


Old Nanu Infinity Chair


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