New Teeth for Putee Tex

Get out your gun Annie. aim for the manliest Man with a smile as broad as the Mason Dixon line. does Putee Tex really have new Teeth ? maybe he has a bear trap for teeth. snap snap snap. crackle and pop over to the country next door for a snack. have some agriculture, some factories, snatch up a few brand name people, speaking the Putee Tex mother tongue. poor Putie Tex, just not getting enough attention. Vlad, you are so 20th century. another Loser that doesn’t realize he lost. trying to put humpty trumpty back together again. sure you’ve got some third rate hackers and some oil and McDonald’s, which we gave you by the way, and Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Pussy Riot but they’re famous for being in jail. the Ballet was good but all the dancers split. I don’t know if things have picked up since then but there isn’t a lot of New going on over there. no electric car brands, computers, movies, food worth eating, joy riding in yachts, I suppose. I mean what gives Vlad. what have you done for anybody lately. of course, how would you know what people really want. your peeps can’t Vote, at least fairly. ain’t that Right, just like Texas. and just like a few texans, you have billions of spendulix, so you don’t have to go out into the street for cheap sex. what is really sad and pathetic about you Putee Tex, is the utter lack of imagination and creative thinking, a handy sign of intelligence. although not the kind of intelligence business

you’re in. you control a vast mostly empty land mass and the best you can come up with is rolling tanks into the neighbors backyard. what, you don’t have enough space. how about some condos on the pacific east coast. the fact is you are frightened by the Ukrainian minds nearby. yes, the minds, because they are imaginative and creative and highly intelligent. that makes you unimaginative and afraid of Ideas, like a

little peeing maga doll. so motherfucker, try and conquer those Free thinkers next door if you must, until you run out of gas or have more of it on your hands than you can use, and your supply of cuba lago cigars dries up faster than teddy the foxy news cruzzer can jet back to texas from cancun.


atomthought • artist@Large


Pizza and ƒries • key to world peace


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