Give Me Some Truth

insurrection blues

the rebs are back

Ok John • here it is

the Mob had it’s way a year ago today.took its head full of crank ideas and dumped them in the capital rotunda. looking like Orks, foaming, fulminating, mindless jack boots, dressed up for the fox rot ball. red meat stinking good. now what ? march back to the american legion and have a beer, watch the football game, clean the guns, throw the camo in the washing machine, rev up the truck, go for more beer. wait to get arrested.

Evolution always leaves behind more than it takes along for the next ride. these are not the strong or the fittest or the patriots. nobody would notice except it’s on TV. turns out the revolution is being televised after all. arthur clark said, technology after a certain point is indistinguishable from magic. many are under it’s spell, not surprising, religion works the same way. it doesn’t have to be true, just make you feel good. not sure what a right wing civil war would look like but the rebs may want to reconsider what they wish for. cw two won’t end any better than cw one. so take the big lie, hats, flags, hate, ignorance and shove it up your ass. the show is over. be more like cheap trick, surrender, because we will rise up and finish you off one way or another. go uncle Joe, kick out the jams kam.

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New Teeth for Putee Tex


Muse News 1922