Muse News 1922


The year has closed out. we aren’t 2021 anymore. our new century will be the ripe old age of 2022. let’s see what the last century was like when it was 22. i’ll just pick a few of my favorites from the wikigoo. stay with me.

1.1 vancouver canada moves to driving on the right side of the road • signaling that final break with the crown i suppose.

1.21 insulin is used for the first time to treat diabetes • go science.

2.2 james joyce publishes ulysses • cancun page turner of all time.

2.27 the nineteenth amendment • woman's right to vote is upheld by the supreme court. one wonders what they would think today.

3.18 mahatma gandhi is sentenced to six years imprisonment for disobedience in india • yes, one must not disobey in a police state.

3.20 the us commissions its first aircraft carrier • always thinking ahead.

4.3 vladimir lenin appoints joseph stalin as general secretary of the russian communist party • solid pick.

5.9 annie jump cannon’s stellar classification system is adopted by the international astronomical union • now that’s goddamn progress if you ask me.

5.23 laugh-o-gram becomes walt disney’s first incorporated film company • wonder if old walt would dig star wars 17.

6.1 mussolini threatens a revolt at a gathering of over 50,000 fascists in bologna • with hats and flags and stuff.

6.24 adolf hitler begins his sentence of one month in prison • that ought to teach him a lesson.

7.5 an uprising begins in rio de janeiro. • did someone say rio bolsonaro.

7.11 the hollywood bowl opens • in just 44 years the Beatles will show up.

7.27 the international geographical union is formed • brain trust for earth  with fabulous conferences.

8.12 frederick douglass’ home is declared a national shrine in Washington D.C • as it should be.

9.29 benito mussolini asks the vatican to support his party • curious what they said. 

10.11 alaska davidson becomes the first female special investigator at the fbi • i did not know that.

10.28 the march on rome results in benito mussolini assuming power of italy • yikes.

11.4 the tomb of tutankhamen is discovered by howard carter in egypt • that’s cool, now we know what was in it.

11.1 mehmed vi • the last sultan of the ottoman empire is expelled to malta • thank goodness, it was about time.

11,26 the first technicolor film • the toll of the sea premieres in new york city • now that’s super cool. never saw it though.

11.30 hitler gives a speech to 50,000 national socialists • right after that stretch in prison.

12.1 captain turner of the raf writes • hello usa • in the first skywriting over the us • showing those national socialists the writing on the sky.

12.10 niels bohr is awarded the nobel prize for physics • right on niels nobody saw that quantum stuff coming. 

12.20 the ussr • union of soviet socialistic republics is formed • excellent idea turd for the unadvancement of human kind.

12.24 the first british radio play • the truth about father christmas is broadcast by the bbc • isn’t that sweet. wonder how many national socialists were tuned in.

what a year 1922 turned out to be • who knew • Muse News did. well we’ve learned one thing from the last century • the fascists haven’t gone anyplace.

let’s hope our new year can be just as exciting.

with that in mind • i’m going off to play in niels and uncle albert’s neighborhood of particle waves • accretion disks and bipolar jets.

2022 • full light speed Ahead.

atomthought • artist@Large

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