Behind the scenes @ UFO reports

What’s atomthought up to today ? not much i suppose, drifting down lazy avenue taking in the sights, pondering 8 billion human beings and counting, roaming around earth trying to snag a meal or two everyday. technically there really aren’t days in outer space. the notation is only useful if you live on the surface and are in shadow half the time. that aside, our spaceship fulfills it’s destiny, spinning around the sun ad gravitatis infinitum, water sloshing hot iron stone the third. we have appeared somehow to witness the action. clinging to the surface with tiny talons, digging, drilling, firing away at will, quite aware of what we’re up to. sentience is a spectacular feature allowing for cosmological studies, shiny mirrors that capture light to tell the story of timespace, right there in front of our eyes.  i’m not an expert by any means, just one of the riders keeping an eye on things out there, because that’s where we really are, out there • which means keeping the spaceship in trim, fix the bad muffler system, save the water, lighten up. according to my calculations, we are not yet worthy to meet the star beings, whatever form they may exhibit. i mean what’s the point, they would only give us an inferiority complex or put them in the awkward situation of having to tell 8 billion people, hey you can’t come with us, we’re just passing through, not here to solve your problems. and besides you’d never get past the Void of Return, to squishy, your pitch isn’t high enough. it’s also a time thing. so good luck, maybe you can build another one of those stone piles to mark the spot. a reminder to get your act together or it will be a long time before we drop by again.

atomthought • artist@Large


Muse News 1922


Chased by Quasars