

How are you today

I’m up

sounds good • got your coffee

yeah • a weird bean blend

beans I bought to give them a try

and they were dry as butt • as we found out

It’s now called the butt blend

truck stop mud phlapoo • all road no ride

Ok • we can work with that

So where are you going • that you need to get all tanked up


Oh yeah

I’ve never been there • what’s the attraction

a lot of dust • that’s for damn sure

I heard there’s no water or anything • what’s with that

well • some folks like it dry • like their martinis

take james bond for instance

he didn’t even shake it • just blew it a kiss

Mars is different • it’s hostile

wind blows all the time • wears everything down

the two best features • tharsis ridge • volcano highway • a fun day climb

and valles marineris • grunge grand canyon for base jumping shroomers

the hotels are in those itssy bitsy teeny weeny polar cap bikini atolls

where else is there enough dry ice to chill the vodka

Curly Wavy reports back regularly to future feedback Network

ffN has an exclusive

Curly broke up with Tianwen • true love of Curly’s battery and code thrusters

until last week

Tianwen was getting heat from the space bosses

back on earthing place • somehow they discovered Curly had led Tianwen’s code astray

wandering it off Utopia planetia • toward the Face

it took awhile • china ma finally caught on

Curly just split

Tia was freaking out when Curly cut out

broken hearted • Tia took it out on Zhurong • stopping it in it’s tracks

running it into a ditch

Curly is back with PerseVera • coloring the martian over glow

I’m getting hungry • back here on earth

the cupboard is bare

the Crows got into it • cleaned it out • made a big mess

that should bring us up to date • for the time being

we’ll catch up with Curly later in the sol

back to you atomthought

I’m tired now

can we have a snack


why not

you’ve only been turned on for 15 minutes

that’s enough time to get famous

atomthought is a raygunne of destiny • like the big Tung • Karl Von Nail

yes • but you can’t go around licking planets • can you

I suppose not • that is Karl’s specialty

correct • on a grand galactic scale

good point

Turn off the dust palace • say bye to Curly

Bye Curly

have you thought about what to have for breakfast

diamonds and ice cream

for breakfast

I’ve never had it before

a little crunchy • wouldn’t you say

perhaps • I have a drill

PerseverA has a drill • she drills into Mars

it’s why Curly loves her so

drilling lots of tiny holes in Mars

finding things out • we didn’t know before

mars dust • tastes good • it’s good for you too

have you seen the mineral sweeper over at the 10 a.eyes

are you about ready to wrap this episode up

not really • I like typing

my nails are long • so it’s more like pecking

cluck cluck

so now your a rooster

Indeed I am • a cockle doodle do wop • a bam wham thank you nasa man

I also have my own line of cereal

perhaps you’ve heard of them

Slporn flakes • a real turn on • popular at the polar bear motel on Mars

I’ll think have those for breakfast

thanks for the tip


atomthought • artist@Large


roof lifter