TimeSpace • infinite adventure

TimeSpace, the Infinite Adventure was the first digital full dome sky show produced by the Adler planetarium. it was a striking departure from any sky show production prior to that. traditionally, planetarium sky shows were presented to acquaint and educate visitors about the wonders of the night sky, using ever more sophisticated star projection systems. the Zeiss mark vi was the workhorse star projector at Adler until it was decommissioned in 2010. digital projection systems had evolved to rival the pin point clarity of optical star projectors. with that came the ability to project imagery and create stories beyond backyard astronomy lectures. in effect, sky shows transitioned to become full dome cinema, at least in planetariums able to afford the new technology. it was a significant change, the mission had been altered. anything was possible. taking advantage of that, as planetarium art and show director, i conceived of TimeSpace, the Infinite Adventure, an episodic romp along the cosmic timeline. it consisted of several three minute time traveling episodes to witness significant astronomical and historical events. of the 21 destinations proposed, five were selected. the big bang, doom of the dinosaurs, the mayan star that smokes, a recreation of the apollo moon landing and a visit to saturn’s moon titan and beyond. it all begins in a place called Time Town. Laurie Anderson is the guiding voice of the adventure. 

welcome to the Event Horizon Cafe

enter torus code • assemblage elements consolidate for quantum piercing

time town is where destinations are developed • calculated to offer custom curved time spaces for life extended experiences.

laurie anderson introduces time•space

the infinite adventure

Something from Nothing

decoupling of light and radiation

then there were stars

planets are born

last call for the dinosaurs

Interrupting a quite afternoon at the wading pool during lunch • the K2 impactor arrives without fan fare or notice. for some it will end quickly • eventually the masses will know as well • gravity tugged at the wandering mass until it could no longer resist. the indifference of chance can make worlds explode.

time for a change • 245 million years is along time to be plodding around the earth • eating every plant in sight and each other •the proportions of the beasts are hinted at but their fossil remains • frozen tin time • dug up but first order fossil bone sniffers • time is up

the planetary heat wave scorched all herds of known meat and plant eaters today. timespace has closed the curtain on dinosaur rule after 245 million years. the dust will settle in a million years or two. something else will come along and take the reptiles place.

the future fossil record is being placed in timespace. a choking hell scape suffocating life as it existed for eons. plodding, chewing, tearing each other limb from limb. fallen monsters bellow their last before succumbing to the flames.

the star that smokes • 936 ad

In 936 ad the star that smokes showed up in the Yucatan • one can imagine the brother hood of blood priests up late into the night • getting high on what ever they pleased to conjure vision • they knew all the plants • all of them • they were seers after all • now they were seeing something in the sky that was not there before. it was worthy of discussion over spiced cocoa and coca • we will blow smoke from our plants to the star that smokes across the sky gods domaine of stars • trance dance and swim in the cenote • sacrifice flesh that burns to meet the star with our offerings for it to look over us.

the star that smokes tumbles silently • in an endless loop around the sun • it passes by earth every 75 years or so • it’s due back here in 2061 • I’ll probably miss it • the mayans saw it in 936 • it wasn’t a good omen • things we’re going well at the time • there were breakdowns • bad crops • bad weather • bad politics • unusual things in the sky were not looked upon kindly • unless the observing community could predict them • that was real power • not interloping stars that smoke • that there is no explanation for • there’s only so many virgins that can be sacrificed.

after evening sacrifices • the astronomer priests squint • watching from the stone deck on top of the observation pyramid • high and alert • the star that smokes in the yucatan jungle night sky has arrived • such a sight at this time would not bring good fortune to tropical paradisians • halley’s comet seems to have a habit of bringing bad tidings.

high priest Cocom enters the star that smokes in a trance for many days and nights • what is the message in the sky • what does the smoking star want of us.

Halley’s comet greets a high Noh warrior priest lounging under the smoking star • dreaming of sacrifice and beating hearts. haunted warrior of eclipse ceremonies enters timespace at dawn when the smoke will be gone.

Chaac sees the smoking star • in a dream of color and jungle sounds honking and eeking snorts of night deamones and panther eyes.

astronomer priest Canek becomes the star that smokes • the star that smokes will be Halley’s comet in another future.

titan extraction colloquium • saturn fest 2412

hammar lacus harbor research explorers annex

the lobby annex was crowded • lots of goodbyes • some hellos • it was the end of the five year explorers research program • humans were pulling up stakes • finished training for departure • contracts settled • diplomas issued • bots were being crated • and rolled into the ferries • sandbex and wheeler were handing out passes to the enceludus fizz bar • not an easy get • most were headed to mars • then to the moon • finally down to earth • and being heavy again.

these little telehummers have been in commission since the middle of the 23rd century • micro nukes with radiation proof composites keep them running chrono bots and people on and off titan indefinitely.

Titan ring ferry

that’s a wrap folks and bots • the colloquium was rated a success • Titan is such a vast field of resources • there is enough for everyone that can deal with the environment • of course • Xonikx development • has had a head start since the mid 23rd with the ring ferry system • the contracts for liquids was fierce • as was the parceling of methane lake shore sands and channels • it’s the hospitality interests that really makes out • nobody goes or stays anywhere around saturn without checking in with them • they are good at what they do • sometimes one doesn’t realize how hostile the place is • zenomorphs would like it • good thing there aren’t any of those around.

Laurie Anderson • mark paternostro • jack letourneau

patrick mcpike • mark paternostro

dr. paul knappenberger • executive producer • president Adler planetarium

mark paternostro • writer • director

patrick mcpike • technical director

dr. eric carlson • writer

jack letourneau • sound design

michael massey • score

craig stillwell • photography

timespace concept development • paternostro

Laurie Anderson • narrator