time•space art a.i.

whispers of the big bang • surround our molecular magic mind

glory division

neutron star cloud sucking it in • spinning at 500 times a second • pausing for a selfie

neutron star slows down • taking it’s time • wonder what that looks like.

neutron star alchemy • astro physics without equations • artists thought forms in space

a moment with binary neutron star buds

binary black holes • merger pending • warp the fabric of space • hot darkness awaits

where am I now a.eye • a solitary star • in a vast blackness constrained by forces of gravitational collapse • the horizon is fire surrounding my gaze • two suns are closing in • whipping by • there is only fire light • i seek the nearest star • it blazes blue • i will sleep now • until a thousand years from then.

star torque • bi polar jet test

star torque one • bi.polar jet test • this image was generated by an early prompt • finding something that twisted and turned as I asked • projecting a light jet perpendicular the horizontal plane of dust and gas was the test • the prompt tended to obey.

from a distance a thorne•zynkow object may exhibit exotic turbulence as the neutron star enters the red giant.

i named them thorne.z lobes • it sounded nice. the a.eye picked it up • who knows.

thorne•zytkow objects considered by prompt

a wandering neutron star passes into an unsuspecting red supergiant and disturbs it’s burnt outer shell .

a madly spinning neutron star feasts on the interior of the super giant host • after embedding it’s ultra dense self into the core space of the red giant husk.

something to ponder on the way home

back to space • a palette cleanser for new year a.eye eyes seeking vistas undreamed before. 2024 here we come.

remote places of contraction • luck of the prompt • what is it feeding on • the poetry of my words • how to persuade the a.eye to do my bidding • see what I want to see • it’s a game of chance • as is life.

blue loomis dust gap

the blue loomis dust gap coming in to view low and slow • we’ll be there soon • those with alternate trajectory locations • please assemble in the cosmo•graphix bay for deceleration vestments.

hot metal streaks into vacant skies of cosmic loneliness

bi-polar looper from tork variables

timespace • arrives to host bowling with gravity • what else might one call it • gravitational envy • on a scale unimaginable • what one can see with the a.eyes

seventy ninth plane of the multi•world

star bend u turn @ oriallis

everyone was drowsy • clearing time dilation cobwebs from the head • iso soaks and smoothies • it wasn’t

long before navigation snapped everyone to attention • 10,000 years off course • buckle up

gentle t-tauri wind • won’t you blow away the dust from the planets within

a starry day someplace without rainbows or air • beautiful stone cold ice • I seek solace from dread • the star eater is near and I am weary.

cross town floaters determined to merge and make stars in billions of years

Time•Space rides again

tickets are available • but they are expensive