the Deluge

I was right about one thing. The Deluge. I racked up 12 gigs of a.eye imagery in a week. visited places I never could have imagined but apparently did, in the back of my mind someplace. I realized it’s like painting with paintings, sort of. throw in some physics. there’s even the occasional alien alphabet signature. I started collecting them. distorted cyrilarabic copyrightish odditites. always at the lower right or left. a scrapping curiosity.

Gen is exhausting and addicting. managing the portfolio. a lot happens fast. for any of it to have meaning, in my opinion, it needs a title and signature, ironically, it’s all that’s left for the purist who has jumped off the cliff like me. so be it. it’s not wet work. whether it’s art, opinions will vary.

In the mean time, it’s easy to burn tokens just fucking around. so far, I’ve used two prompts I lifted from my crow dust gathering riddle epic movie in my head. not being fussy at all, I prompted it in and pushed the generator. I think something along the lines of bowling with the champs showed up. I shot through the 150 free daily tokens in a couple hours. free tokes refresh every 24hrs. my a.eye kept pushing the generator.

Then i started paying like a vision junkie and will likely continue to do so.

Until the a.eye finds what I’m looking for.

atomthought • artist@Large.


first planetarium generator


Dylan goes electric