Dylan goes electric

Dylan goes electric , so does atomthought. Leonardo should give me a signing bonus!

In my own unique dramatic fashion I have now become the a.Eye. I fought it all the way until it finally consumed me. as usual I’m late for the train but there’s always another one coming. I’m happy to have observed from the sidelines, watching the “tools” take hold. learn stuff.

My evolutionary leap has been surprising to me most of all. I admit to feeling mysteriously threatened at first. not sure about what, identity perhaps, the artists creative soul. the deluge of lifetimes of art collapsed into a prompt generated scrapping field singularity. Art by wishful thinking. then I remembered what it felt like loading up and using photoshop 1.0 on a mac for the first time. I never hesitated and never looked back. so it is again apparently. we’ll see what happens. my first impression is, it feels like a trippy slot machine.

Sure am glad I learned how to better write stuff good.

atomthought • artist@Large


the Deluge


Vegas Borealis