PineApple express

Research Says

that marijuana is involved with schizophrenia.

it’s certainly a possibility.

what’s this called ?

pineapple express.

Frank • Sylvester and Annie are arguing at breakfast.

over Frank using the butter knife in the jelly jar.

you’re supposed to keep them separate Frank.

who says • it ends up in the same place.

yes • we all end up in the grave too.

In the meantime

let’s hold to some epicurean common denominator shall we.

say what ?

it’s like eating with your fingers or smacking your lips

bad form.

I’ll set your hygiene regimen aside for the moment.

Annie is smoking a cigarette

you want a hit of this Annie ?

nah • get me another beer will ya.

I’m getting another cup of coffee too

any of those benzedrine donuts still around ?

in the box on the counter.

look Frank, I don’t want to be a pain in the ass • but it grosses me out.

well you are Annie • and you always have been.

phuck you Frank.

yeah you wish Annie.

here’s your beer.

what the hell is that you’re eating Syl.

corn flakes.

what’s the other stuff ?

mama zuma’s highway 11 habanero potato chips.

with milk ?

have a rough night there Sylvester?

zip it Annie.

hey don’t bitch at me.

Frank • keep the goddamn butter knife out of the jelly jar.

you don’t need to be so mean about it.

I’m sorry • it just brings up memories I’d rather not remember.

that’s deep.

shut up Annie.

Ok look

I’m going to get some peanut butter and some bread

and make a sandwich

Ok with you ?

Ya fine.

just don’t stick the jelly knife in the goddamn peanut butter.

make me a sandwich too.

you want one Syl ?

no • not at this time • hand that pint to me will ya.

looks like there’s still a swallow in there.

you want a hit • not at this time.

here’s your sandwich.

phuck Frank • you did it again.


Christ • don’t lick it off.

Ok look everybody

we’re going get things straightened out here.

who’s in the lead today ?


no me.

Annie why don’t you do it.

Syl and I will hang back

why is it always me ?

I’m shy.

I’m drunk.

yeah thanks a lot Syl.

you’re such a lazy ass Frank.

Ok let’s get dressed.

what are we going to wear ?

atomthought • artist@Large


roof lifter


stonehenge for lemons