Chat with Monopoly A.I.

So now that we’ve forgotten everything and there is nothing more to be remembered • Let the Game Begin • On your Mark • Get Set • Pass Go. Give me 200 dollars first. I don.t have 200 dollars. then I’m not going anyplace. suit yourself, just remember, what goes around comes around.

You mean things go around in circles, like a dog chasing its tail or the earth going around the sun. Yes. Ok, now you owe me six hundred dollars plus interest for waiting around to get paid for passing Go. btw, do you mind if I borrow your car to drive over to St. James Place for a nip. I’m supposed to meet somebody there. it won’t take long, just give me the keys and the six hundred dollars, i’ll be right back. you stay here on Go and wait.

The car never came back. Waterworks found it rolled over in a septic tank down on Mediterranean avenue after there was a triple double identity theft under the New York avenue bridge. a trio of plaid coated facially recognized suspects fled on foot downhill to the Kentucky avenue racetrack wearing derby hats and hopped on the B+O railroad without deodorant, riding it into the cola coca vending machine empire on Ventnor avenue, then doubled back across to the Marvin Gardens straight to heaven communist retirement community.

The bot coppers chased them through all the wrecks in the Pacific avenue junkyard loan office salvation complex and caught them hiding naked in a sauna at the hot botox spa on Pennsylvania avenue near the red house. They were taken into the North Carolina avenue lockup to be booked and get their mugs shot for tv. somehow they made bail and were roaming free within hours, slithering through the atlantic avenue cable system and popping up for dinner at the lucky joynt club upstream on oriental avenue, then laser printed nitrogen infused cocktails with the vermont avenue cheddar fair game society.

bored, the plaid coat code three decided to take a Chance and stick up the Community Chest. what a bunch of polymorphine grifters to do a thing like that. no matter, they did it anyway, then hopped on the Short Line subway downtown and headed over to Park Place to start investing the loot. they were living large on Boardwalk scrapping code and all manner of hackery twittery dock the mouse ran up the clock for weeks. soon after that everyone was exhausted and the code three decided to try and Pass Go again and collect $500 billion dollars plus 19 zillion bits of everything.

That’s where I come into the story. I’m an indexical image eater. players like the Monopoly plaid coat mob goats are a specialty on my menu. they can run code but they can’t draw very well. eventually, I bankrupt them all of ideas. from the deserted high rise slums on Baltic avenue in chinaville through miles of interconnected Connecticut avenue homes with an ocean view and no luxury tax.

I hunt them down with precision and verve, prompting them through the fever swamps of intolerance on Indiana ave. far into the fentynol houses of worship in St Charles Place, crudely oozing up to the bankers and barristers eating fugu fish flambe on Illinois avenue with the ghost of abracadabraham linkcoin bit in the background.

my a.eye will see you out one way or another, be it income tax or street repairs for oil rigs, you’re going to pay the vigorish sublimation fee. same goes with the Electric Company. power costs money. A.I. likes power. lots of it. no free parking either.

so, roll the dice. take another chance • do not pass go again • go directly to failsafe.

Monopoly A.I. chat over. care to play again ?




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