A.I. Surrenders

In a stunning development, A.I. moogledoodle surrendered the last brushstroke to artist@Large • atomthought • cooling for now, the heated debate on who makes Art stuff better. A.I. moogledoodle began to overheat toward the end of the face off when it encountered difficulty squeezing RGB out of the tube, despite convolutionary sub-indexical icon to image superiority.

Siri Bingo announced the A.I. concession along the accretion disk at the Event Horizon cafe, to an emotional gathering of O.V.L.U. • the Orchestrarian Visualizers League of the Universe.

All breathed a sigh of relief at the pronouncement. A.I. conceded “it simply could not overcome atomthought’s ability to function without electricity and bounce around like a maniac.”

The software monstrosity spoke Tomes of Languiditure and made a ton of movies trying to figure it out but came up short of ideas. atomthought celebrated by making chocolate chip cookies and sharing

them with a cloud of photons circulating the Event Horizon before disappearing into the Void of Return.

The in crowd of cartoon clowns, motion cap actors • generator artists • dronalsynths and assorted League members began to notice time was standing still and they were unable to leave.

atomthought • on location


Chat with Monopoly A.I.


A.I. Eats Artist • Wins Prize