Hummer Power Grill


Hummer power grill in action

drive and cook with ease


Well, we passed go recently, collected $200 dollars and went on a spending spree @ home depot. thank you uncle Joe.  we weren’t the only ones, there was a crowd. people getting a head start on the weekend. ho dep is a big place, kind of draws you in. they have new cameras in the aisles, they beep to let you know your being surveilled. ho dep has got you covered in more ways than one. wonder what they’re looking at ? is there some sort of central command in the back room, maybe all the feeds are channeled to a big ho dep mega brain in vegas. when i backed up and passed by again it beeped. i turned around, did a little dance and took a bow, it didn’t sour my mood as surveillance usually does. i chippered along with my son Alex. we were having a gay time, mini freezers, free floor tile samples, electrical tour, we skipped lumber. looked for a grill and herb plants. I was climbing around on the upper shelves trying to get a better look inside the grills. finally one of the staff ambled over and asked if we needed help. no we’re good, I cooed. later another guy on staff decided to get friendly and said the model we were looking at was really crap. he said follow me. i had time on my hands so I did. he takes me to another aisle where grills were parked side by side used car style. he stops at the grill equivalent of a hummer, it had a smokestack. i was trying not to laugh. maybe it was the cowboy hat i was wearing. it was the kind of grill you might want for a family reunion or smoking a whole pig or two, but i was amused and sweetly told the youngster it was a little bigger than i had in mind. i bid him ado after he pitched me a ho dep credit card. we loaded the grill we wanted on to the cart, a good deal @ $119 dollars, got to put it together though. yum, smoked salmon coming soon. the ho dep customers looked depressed, acting a little spooked, on their own trip, not in the mood for my in your face camera improv in the aisles like some visitor from another planet. i pointed that out to Alex. he agreed, we were visitors from another planet. it made my heart smile, that’s what i call bringing your kid up right. 


atomthought • artist@Large


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