Curly Wavy loves mars

look into the eye

 Curly Wavy • galactic gadfly • solar system secret agent of Karl Von Nail

transendental trickster always keeping atomthought guessing about where and when the Grap Nix will show up next

 keep looking

Muse News • retouching tv for the stars

Science with a Smile 

Appearing on pbs chicago tonight, local astronomer Mark Hammergren voiced nuanced skepticism regarding ufo sightings as evidence of visitors from other worlds. not only is the distance to the nearest star system, alpha centauri a daunting 25 trillion mile ride, these elusive little ufo bots seem incapable of sustaining serious interstellar travel. nothing to get worked up about says Mark.  although Curly Wavy indicated the GraP Nix like to keep an eye on things from a safe distance, like mars.

atomthought • artist@Large

here i am goofing off with tianwen and zhurong on utopia planitia

Curly Wavy caught a selfie with Tianwen and Zhurong on a recent sol from utopia planitia. Curly surprised chinese space officials with the appearance. apparently unaware of Curly’s relationship with the pair of recently arrived tourists. Curly has been coding Zhurong to roll over to the face for a meetup with the chopper from america. these little scamps are out of control, if the earth bosses only knew what they were up to here on mars, they’d probably laugh.

atomthought • artist@Large

curly • that tickles my thrusters • how did you get in here anyway did karl von nail put you up to this • not exactly • i love you Taiwan • i thought we could integrate circuits and ditch diplomatic relations • after all • the bosses are back on earth.

let’s roll Tianwen • giddy up baby • what do you mean you don’t have wheels • hey Zhurong • do you have any plans for tonight.

mars tune ups for tuned in earthlings

xtra martian solar over glow • curly wavy top of the pops

Aqua Mars

the idea was finding the martian blue • it was there at one time • one can see it by what’s left • for me it was the “blueberries” the blue marbles that could be seen scattered about under ledges and sand shores. using curve saturation tools to areas of interest. presented are martian sea rocks imagined from the PerseverAnce rover snooping around the dust palace. aqua mars is one artist’s way of dialing into the gusher of extraterrestrial creative opportunity. that was my intention, plus a feud with traditional space artist don davis about retouching mars images and copyrighting them. I maintain they are public and free for trans science expressionism, not to be owned. nasa/jpl raw data provenance provided.

pebbles in the shadow of ingenuity

persevera enjoying a curly wavy tune up during a quiet sol on the mars frontier

super cam • remote micro imager • sol 651

another perseverian donut sol 53

sherloc • pixel and watson • eye the horizon • sol 530

all dust on deck

this is why i call it the dust palace • that’s what it is • all the time • blowing hard • wearing things down. carving faces making it the home planet of easter island martians. twisters stirring it up into the thin air. keeping it there for seasons at a time. quite frankly • i wouldn’t want to live on mars. robots are fine with me. excuse me while i get in my helicopter and fly over to valles marinaris for lunch with curly wavy. thank you very much.

this is what PerseverA.nce does at night when everyone at JPL is asleep. turn on the glowing exterior instrumentation. light it up for the waves that used to lap the shores of long ago dead seas. no fossils for thee • sad astro paleontologist • please just a shell or two. curly wavy do have anything to add ?

mars 2020 unknown etching tatoo

shout out to te engineers and the offset philppe head screws

mars 2020 • aonrehmeln1730055 • tattoo

the story here is the markings i found under heavy magnification on the mars 2020 arm • there are many markings on PerseverA etched by planetary science engineers • a brilliant coterie of people who make, maintain, and drive these mind blowing craft of human ingenuity helicopter packing rovers • flown from earth right into my studio • that’s sweet • and I thank you for it nasa/jpl.

PerseverA tire tracks in the hard scrabble of X mud dust • curved for enhanced viewing pleasure • brought to you by curly wavy vision

over the mars bow

Over the mars bow • isn’t that clever phrasing • down right poetic. curly wavy told me to say it. so I did • now i believe it to be true. once upon a time over the mars bow there were a bunch of robots from earth crawling around. we’re not sure what to make of them from our caves under the ice caps, puny as they are, its home. earthlings have a spotty record when it comes to conquering frontiers so we’ve been cautious. if mars has anything, it’s frontier, much of it the same from place to place, but we like it that way. fission keeps us warm • we’re a ways down toward the core so it’s cosy. actually, the place is kind of a penal colony and we’d rather you didn’t find out.

yes earthlings this is about you • your little water bubble is about to burst.

terra mars curve theory

this was the first test of color curving the martian surface elements • to explore with Persevera raw data in depth • up the crater walls through the river valley channel and creviced rocks to see where it went. colorization of the dust palace and a new form of art by looking around the vacant neighbor beckoning the rocket makers. I’m happy with the results. i came to terms with mars. i could never work up much enthusiasm like the fans. sure it’s right next door • that’s cool, very cool, 80 below on a warm day. maybe as a life extended retirement community, but I would get bored after cocktails at the northern hemisphere ice hostel for gold and diamond hunters. after that it’s pretty much the same view. I decided to remedy the situation from here on earth. curly wavy is on location so I have an inside informant on mars. stay tuned • curly is never dull.

Terra Mars colorization curve test theory

Xtra solar over glow • curly wavy says you still need sun block on mars.

bye bye now • y’all come back soon • curly wavy has your code if you don’t