cosmo•graphix • a.i.

a new way of seeing the universe with artist a.eyes

sublime nature of binary black holes

black hole emporium

fabric of space arc

sleeping beauty • T CrBorealis quietly sips red giant nectar of streaming matter.

riding with the fabulous superlatives • we all know who they are • if you don’t • it’s time you found out • hop in • see that bright star on the left • we’re headed there • a few light years to go • these gigs get farther away all the time.

black widow • psr j2051•0827 • a disintegrating brown dwarf laps the interior pulsar • blowing off material • coiled up magnetic fields form a cometary radio tail with blobs of brown dwarf consumables.

behold • an enormous dark matter star collector • strips binary galaxies bare of their progeny • leaving only stars to be swallowed.

gravitational envy

on the first day I met monet flying around this galaxy disk • in a bit of a mood • this is all to much • he said

star belly proplyd sea

fat with stars • birth place of x ray grace • spicules blown with bits of sublime radiation breath into interstellar depth and reason.

the arm of odysseus reaches for the lanterns warning of treacherous seas below • there are things to be feared in the world beneath the passive atmosphere shrouding the siren depths of dilemma and diamonds.

neutronika over pass is always a close call • threading the gravitational collapse gap without shredding • saves centuries of suspended animation • just like catching a gravity wave.

interstellar schaller sweeps over and through the quantum • forever ships are waiting with light tongs to enable the eye of singularity.

black hole eyes peeking at me in splendor and menace • inviting doom eons of forever in your gaze

star belly conception • so many eons of gas to contract • tightening to fusion reactions • as stars are choked into existence.

Dust swirls and piles up in heaps to make stars down deep in the core with heat and gravitation • here we are at the party • tugging pulling consuming each other because dark matter has contrived them to do so • we see light years of vista never seen on a screen before thee • behold.

voidish dark hole of silencio • a place of eating stars with light years of patience one at a time

strange space • it is one space of many • it never stops • it only gets stranger.

perfect tork of mine • take me for a spin • wherever you want to go • as long as we get back in time for our anniversary of gravitational collapse with bipolar jets

ride • ride my sea saw • take a place • it’s for free

dyson ring theoretical

journey of the energii begins here

watch out below