Cathode Ray Trio emerge from future feedback tv

cathode ray trio launch platform

cathodes emerge from future feedback tv

G one

trine the bass player

9Yne the number

g is star of the show

for reasons unknown


is an attraction under going further study

entry consolidation

nYne used the micron e.zoot suit as a base sheath skin for it’s masking and thermal features, hacked out real time d-med mods and performance feeds to display off-rez in order to cancel and phony up the embedded a.i. relay services. 

alt.9yNe concurred with what flat cat and syn had experienced at the cube.

proceed to new york city • december 31. just before midnight 2063

use dwelling composite opaque. obey invisibility scattering principles.

now you see 9yNe. now you don’t.

bye 9yNe

9yNe is always fuzz fade of surprises


exponential feedback tv proceeds accordingly

barata non bow sequitur

nikto 2g1 sync sym mac pro

trans to atomthought

got that bot

drell out.

a cathode-ray tube is a vacuum tube containing one or more electron guns, which emit electron beams that are manipulated to display images on a phosphorescent screen. the images may represent electrical waveforms, pictures or other phenomena. a crt on a television set is commonly called a picture tube.

ƒuture ƒeedback was a striping bare of the cathode ray picture tube, a dissection. taking a tv apart to reveal its glowing essence and painting it white. to abstract it and create a place in between channels to light up and reveal the raw electron beam noise, a channel interference boundary . the cathode ray trio are mysterious masks. two are human, one is other. they appear in negative space on the phosphorescent glass screen. it was an existential struggle with the meaning of painting and art. a transitional incantation and electronic vision of the future that had not yet arrived.

cathode ray trio on standby

original future feedback tv launch platform 1977