
Lingo is a mix master of loon love comets with high energy crater making combustibles • combined with first class psychology and a fancy wardrobe. Lingo bubbles over with psychedelic charm in a never ending stream of consciousness. broadcasting live on UV+thee tv and beyond.

if you’re in the neighborhood come to cool the heater. lounge around for generations. visit YingTing Pπ Hat • drop in any time, any shape. ask for LinGo. 

Lingo is a timespace bell ringer in the fab GraP Nix band 4 x 5. along with Karl, Blacky and Dada Rama featuring Spencer Bender on harmonium. don’t get to close. gravity flakes will impound your theory of desire to be weightless in space, together in a time tunnel with Lingo. there’s no light at the end of it.

Lingo on ƒizz • Live at the Trang Room

Lingo bends bubbles @ Enceladus ƒizz Bar

• atomthought reporting •

Champagne corks are popping out of the mouths of all the young loons going into orbit, drifting serenely on ballroom dancing parabolas out to the asteroid belt • meeting up with a hot carbonaceous chondrite posse of experts for a cruise into the sun. stopping for cocktails @ the enceladus ƒizz bar to transmit some big bangers with Lingo. no one does bell ringers like Lingo. a maltese falcon of Enceladus ƒizzdom • three days of geyseritic carbonation melting the icebergs of delirium.

Lingo has ruled the yingting ring system for a deck of parsecs or as the ringed one is known in GraP speak • YingTing Pπ Hat.

The ƒizz bar has been a destination stop for the galactic trevor bender crowd ever since the t-tauri winds cleaned the place out. Lingo was in early, weeding through the planetissimals, also known for the tunguska 2 step.

Chip Phunk sips ƒizz with Lingo at the Enceladus bar • synchronized resonators compel reaction generators to sizzle with delight • Effervescent determinants explode with intelligence hinting at harmonic subversion • Enceladus ƒizz master • Lingo @ your service.

Happy hour @ the Enceladus ƒizz Bar

dada rama • curly wavy • cherry ontop • vern equinox • chip chunk • lingo • splorn • klent shaw • doctor dreamon