with a little luck • I feel fine

Uncle Joe Wins • Kam Hits Grand Slam.

In a breathtaking election defeat of the kryptonetic maga empire • Voters across the nation

buried the Big Liar in a show force unseen since the 1932 FDR avalanche. Hurray for our side.

People of all shades • persuasions • smarts • means • size • shape • belief or none

Took the shovel to a decade of maga cult mischief with a clear display of what’s known as the dustbin of history.

In 2024 the score will be uneven • we the righteous shall win. our cause is worthy • as are we.

Glory hallelujah • is the way to say it. ending the darkness of recent times.

To put our souls on the line • sisters and brothers • clip the wires • smoke the tires

drop the votes on the Dunce of Nothing. catapult us all to a lazy sunday afternoon picnic with our legal weed • space telescopes • electric cars • robots • a.eyes for everything • and a far out planet that’s not beyond repair.

We deserve the best.

We’re gonna get it yet.

atomthought • artist@Large


and Here’s another thing


first planetarium generator