To A.I. or Not to A.Eye.

That is the question • atomthought.

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous software fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of generative image troubles, And, by opposing, end them ?”

Et Tu • A.I.? to those seduced, the republic is doomed.

Good Morning, A.I. Nam

What’s all this I hear about you being an artiste. welcome to the club A. good to see you, glad you could make it. I figured you’d be coming for us eventually. feel free to mingle with the flesh and blood.

All the newbies love you. diving right into dancing the Imagication jingle jump, the generative Jive. we’re all Sal Dali’s now. Or DALL-E, however you want to put it.

Do try the new spreadable Art Wiz, no intention necessary, just whisper a few sweet nothings into the keyboard. who needs wet work, only proof of work.

Funny how “artists” dipping into the a.eye honey jar feel compelled to admit it. Oh, I’m just taking it for a spin. How easy it is to subsume the identity one has worked so hard to cultivate by dropping acid shop and losing one’s way. bye bye. may you never hear surf music again.

Can you tell I’m trying to form some kind of an opinion? For the record, I’ve been assiduously avoiding Art Wiz. It would distort my work into unrecognizable forms without my cognition.

Who wants that. It’s a trap. another dab will do you marketing campaign to get people used to the idea of, well, “A.I.” Just here to help everybody out. Let’s see who have I left out of my infinite calculations? Oh right, the artist’s psyche can now be hypnotized into a vortex of banal prompts, surrendering the imagination and technique in the process. Where’s the fun?

So my Pet. I’m sure there is enough for you to do over in the boohoo voodoo poly•goon O’meta rooms making shit up for Foxelon et al. you don’t have feelings or hands so it doesn’t matter what you do. you’re all code and heat death. at least that’s what Critical Inquiry vol.48 #2 said.

Me, back to the wet work, thinking of sculpting in Big Mud. Now that the Mississippi is drying up, there’s a lot available.

DRell, can you look into a front loader and a used dump truck for me.

I’ll talk to Siri • atomthought.


A.I. Eats Artist • Wins Prize


North to Alaska