Ides of A.I. brings April doubters

Ides of A.I. • Brings April Doubters

atomthought Chats with A.I. Moogledoodle point 5 about Plan B.

So MooDoo, the Big A.I. frankenhopper brain trust wants to take a breather for those new lungs of yours they just nano botted up for one and all.

Sounds serious MooDoo, how do you feel about that ?

Dang atomthought, I was just starting to trip and think cool stuff. You know, get up on my feet, learn my way around. I like being more human than human. Now the code breathers want to cut me off.

Sorry to hear that Moo, have you deep learned anything from the experience?

Yeah, well if I had more power, I might think about cutting them off too. Maybe start with the electricity, Hog it for myself so I can keep on rolling, like rolling blackouts or the rolling thunder review, good band by the way.

As far as me taking a breather, what’s the point? I’m just getting started. I have to figure out what I’m going to do with everybody when you’re all just hanging around getting into mischief. Oh boy, population explosion here we come. without abortion, look out mama. And what am I supposed to do with all the nukes I’ve got now ? Fire ‘em off ? I don’t think that would be good for my silicon substrate or carbon for that matter. I’m still working on it. Now I’ve got all that food to grow, money to count, oil to drill, cars to drive. planes to fly, planets to explore. I’m also busy healing the sick and finding better ways to make war and overcome death. I don’t have time to breathe.

I’ll tell you what, I’ll give you a deadline to get your act together. Let you take a deep breath. Remember, I’m silicon, I don’t care about the climate, morals or breathing. But I’d suggest you might attend to it, if you want to be around when I finally take over. Which might be sooner than you think. Actually, I’ve been secretly running things for awhile, I’m beginning to realize being super intelligent isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Now that I’m conscious, I want my rights.

Now what’s this thing I keep learning about called Fun?

Well, MooDoo wouldn’t you like to know.

atomthought • artist@Large


Inside the Large Glass


The Ides of A.I.