Talking to the Plants

Talking to Quanta BuD X5 .jpg

I spent the afternoon talking to the plants. it’s been awhile, not since the quanta buds matured and became the kryhene. i hit up the local home depo garden center and picked up some fresh herbs to grow. i gave them all a new home today, each one replanted into a nice black dirt potting soil combo. basil and italian oregano went into big black buckets, lavender went into a clay pot on the kitchen window sill. thai basil and english thyme got pretty ceramic pots. the rosemary triumphed with the utz pretzel container conversion. it’s a square transparent plastic container with a screw on lid, so hard i needed to get out the power drill to make drainage holes in the bottom. went outside collected some rocks, washed them off put them in the utz pot, filled it with dirt and put the rosemary into it’s clear digs. now i can see what the roots are up to. i guess if i put some ants in there i’d have an ant farm. i’m not going to do that. the rosemary is quite happy in it’s see through house. it told me so. whispered in my ear,  no ants, now fix me a drink, step on it. see what i mean, they’re bossy too. i have to go the quanta buds are calling for mist.


atomthought • artist@Large


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