DaDa Rama

DaDa is all about drama, changes of costume and scenery, dragooning for a make over on the face of the earth. grow a new rain forest, free the flowers, save the bees, health and well being for all loons of comparative compatibility systems analysis with stuff.

DaDa has been displaying on top of the old diablorito toweroni with a groovy lava plug in the calderic center . it is a tasty butte composed of igneous rock. the igneous gumbo that forms the tower is a phonolite porphyry that intruded the surface about 40.5 million years ago. it is a light to dark greenish gray igneous rock with conspicuous crystals of white feldspar. as the magma cooled, hexagonal columns formed up to 20 feet wide and 600 feet tall.

DaDa never misses a chance to be seen from space with all the best features.

come to DaDa • time to cha cha