Crow Dust Gathering Riddle

starts here

find nYne

crow dust blue roost

Black X @ rest

breakfast is served

the corvus confidential enigma continues

lightning puffs for breakfast • the captain crunch of corvusidelix everywhere along the flight path

Hump is waiting for the man. the man doesn’t know hump is waiting. the man will be surprised by the hump. the mans world will suddenly become dark by the eclipse of a wing. the man will be gone. hump will wait for another man.

pali was happy to be charging up. light filling her eyes. clip it pixies cleaning and sharpening the talons. listening to the kinks.

up top dizzy was plugged into the high altitude thermal races and wasn’t moving. the odds were in flux, so there was a lot of anxious flapping of wings.

frag and dest had checked in and were already puffing on the echo tones. fate was racing promo for the pool. it was nuts. skittles and gum ball were quarreling over fizzy and mike because he never came home. who said a crows life ain’t fun.

boz signed in and made quick to the lounge. king of moab was there. everybody and i mean everybody was freaking out. billy the heat got in early and was holding court next to the snacks. spev was glowing from the afterburnners. long tall sally was asking about you. is it true jax and ray left a mess in new york. we heard toneskarz crew is hot.

jax and ray decided to pull over and discuss a cherry pie they spotted in an open window. crows love pie, especially ray. you’re going to get us shot ray. no, come on jax, it’ll be quick. this is how we got in trouble in new york with the sicilian cannoli ray, and we got shot at. I’m flying right through that open window jax, deep into the heart of pie. the flat notes won’t know what to do when a couple of big black crow bye bye birdies come flying into the kitchen and take off with a fresh baked pie right off the counter. classic snatch and grab jax. again, that’s what you said last time, ray. it’s our culinary duty as vertical pie scouts jax. come on, bust a wing, i’m hungry.

in the meantime, a conclave of dream minders assemble for rights of passage at the old hollowed crow ground, where moab took the test of the ring and passed through to meet nYne of earth.

crow dust trans gain • a hazard at times. distortions in the echo lighters make for hard landings.